Rabu, Januari 05, 2011


karena sekarang sy lagi seneng ama ayam..nah ada artikel biar tau perkembangan embrio...perjalanan embrio telur sampai menetas :)

Pengetahuan tentang fertil dan tidaknya telur sangat diperlukan terutama di hatchery. Selain pengetahuan terhadap seleski fisik telur, kefertilan telur juga perlu diketahui. Seleksi fisik yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya kebersihan telur dari kotoran induknya, retak atau tidaknya telur serta bentuk ukuran telur (normal atau tidak). Namun terlepas dari hal tersebut tidak kalah pentingnya pengetahuan mengenai fertil/infertil telur dilihat dari dalam telurnya yang dapat dibandingkan sebagai berikut :

Berikut ini Perkembangan embrio dari hari ke hari.

1. Hari Pertama
Asal mula lempengan embrio pada tahap blastodermal. Nampak ada rongga segmentasi yang berada di bawah area pelucida,terdapat pada cincin yang berwarna lebih gelap dari sekitarnya.

2. Hari kedua
Nampak jalur pertama pada pusat blastoderm. Diantara extraembrionic annexis nampak membran vitelin yang memiliki peranan utama dalam nutrisi embrio.

3. Hari ketiga
Embrio berada di sisi kiri, dikelilingi oleh sistem peredaran darah, membram viteline menyebar di atas permukaan kuning telur. Kepala dan badan dapat dibedakan, demikian juga otak.Nampak juga struktur jantung yang mulai berdenyut.

4. Hari keempat
Perkembangan rongga amniotik, yang akan mengelilingi embrio,yang berisi cairan amniotik, berfungsi untuk melindungi embrio dan membolehkan embrio bergerak. Nampak gelembung alantois yang berperan utama dalam penyerapan kalsium,pernapasan dan tempat penyimpanan sisa-sisa.

5. Hari kelima
Peningkatan ukuran embrio, embrio membentuk huruf C, kepala bergerak mendekati ekor. Terjadi perkembangan sayap.

6. Hari keenam
Membram vetiline terus berkembang dan mengelilingi lebih dari separuh kuning telur. Fissura ada diantara jari kesatu, kedua dan ketiga dari anggota badan bagian atas dan antara jari kedua dan ketiga anggota badan bagian bawah. Jari kedua lebih panjang dari jari lain.

7. Hari ketujuh
Cairan yang makin mengencer di bagian leher. Nampak jelas memisahkan kepala dengan badannya. Terjadi pembentukan paruh. Otak nampak ada di daerah kepala, yang lebih kecil ukurannya dibanding dengan embrio.

8. Hari kedelapan
Membram vetillin menyelimuti (menutupi) hampir seluruh kuning telur. Pigmentasi pada mata mulai nampak. Bagian paruh atas dan bawah mulai terpisah, demikian juga dengan sayap dan kaki. Leher merenggang dan otak telah berada di dalam rongga kepala. Terjadi pembukaan indra pendengar bagian luar.

9. Hari kesembilan
Kuku mulai nampak, mulai tumbuh folikel bulu pertama.Alantois mulai berkembang dan meningkatnya pembuluh darah pada vitellus.

10. Hari kesepuluh
Lubang hidung masih sempit. Terjadi pertumbuhan kelopak mata, perluasan bagian distal anggota badan. Membran viteline mengelilingi kuning telur dengan sempurna. Folikel bulu mulai menutup bagian bawah anggota badan. Patuk paruh mulai nampak.

11. Hari kesebelas
Lubang palpebral memiliki bentuk elips yang cenderung menjadi encer. Alantois mencapai ukuran maksimal, sedangkan vitellus makin menyusut. Embrio sudah nampak seperti anak ayam.

12. Hari kedua belas
Folikel bulu mengelilingi bagian luar indera pendengar meatus dan menutupi kelopak mata bagian atas. Kelopak mata bagian bawah menutupi 2/3 atau bahkan ¼ bagian kornea.

13. Hari ketiga belas.
Alantois menyusut menjadi membran Chorioalantois. Kuku dan kaki mulai nampak jelas.

14. Hari keempat belas.
Bulu-bulu halus hampir menutupi seluruh tubuh dan berkembang dengan cepat.

15. Hari kelima belas dan enambelas.
Beberapa morfologi embrio berubah : anak ayam dan bulu halus terus berkembang. Vitellus menyusut cepat, putih telur mulai menghilang. Kepala bergerak ke arah kerabang telur (posisi pipping) di bawah sayap kanan.

16. Hari ketujuh belas
Sistem ginjal dari embrio mulai memproduksi urates (garam dari asam urat). Paruh yang berada di bagian bawah sayap kanan, menuju rongga udara (yang ada di dalam telur). Putih telur telah terserap semua.

17. Hari kedelapan belas
Permulaan internalisasi vitellin. Terjadi pengurangan cairan amniotik. Pada umur ini dilakukan transfer dari mesin setter (inkubtor) ke mesin hatcher dan juga bisa dilakukan vaksin in ovo.

18. Hari kesembilan belas.
Penyerapan vitellin secara cepat. Paruh mulai mematuk selaput/membran kerabang bagian dalam dan siap untuk menembusnya. Penyerapan vitelis mulai cepat

19. Hari kedua puluh
Vitelus terserap semua, menutup pusar (umbilicus). Anak ayam menembus selaput kerabang telur bagian dalam dan bernafas pada rongga udara. Pertukaran gas terjadi melalui kerabang telur. Anak ayam siap menetas dan mulai memecah kerabang telur.

20. Hari kedua puluh satu
Anak ayam menggunakan sayap sebagai pemandu dan kakinya memutar balik, paruh memecah kerabang dengan cara sirkular.

Anak ayam mulai melepaskan diri dari kerabang telur dalam
waktu 12 – 18 jam dan membiarkan bulunya menjadi kering.

Sumber (Ceva animal Health, Hatchery expertise online No. 8, 2006)
wah, sy baru inget kalu dulu pernah buat blog ini :D
kalo dulu rencananya sy buat untuk menyimpan catetan2...biar gak lupa...
nah pas ada catatan yg mau di cari,baru inget tentang blog ini :))

Senin, Mei 12, 2008

Tutorial bikin Gmail

Cara bikin Gmail di Sony Ericsson M600i

Control Panel>Messaging>E-mail Accounts> Klik New

Account Name: GMail (terserah mo isi apa)
Your Name : Nama lo
Email Address : alamat GMail lo
Connection type: POP3
Push E-mail (untuk otomatis donlod-nanti ada settingan sendiri mau jam brapa aja dicek inbox emailnya di klik Gmail bagian

atas TAB>scheduled download) : kalo gw siy matiin aja biar hemat pulsa....


Incoming server address: pop.gmail.com
Username : alamat email lo minus @gmail.com
Password : Password Gmail lo
Download restriction : Disaranin pilih just headers aja, biar hemat pulsa.


Outgoing mail server: smtp.gmail.com
centang use smtp authentication
centang use inbox login detail
send using : preferred group

Klik Gmail dibagian atas TAB>Advanced

Secure Connection : SSL
Incoming mail port : 995

secure password authentication gak usah dicentangin

Secure Connection : SSL
Outgoing mail port : 465

Cara Setting WAP / CSD / GPRS / MMS - Sony Ericsson M600i

Setting WAP / CSD / GPRS / MMS - Sony Ericsson M600i : Indosat - IM3

Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : M3-GPRS
2. Address : www.indosat-m3.net
3. Username : gprs
4. Password : im3
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings, return back to the main menu, select `Multimedia` -> `Web`
• Select `More` -> `Open web page`, enter the URL : http://wap.m3-access.com/
• GPRS configuration settings completed
Activation Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and go to `Groups` folder -> `Edit`
• Select `M3-GPRS`
• Save the settings and GPRS activation is completed
Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : M3-MMS
2. Address : mms.indosat-m3.net
3. Username : mms
4. Password : im3
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings and return back to the main menu to select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Enter the details as follow :
1. Service center address : http://mmsc.m3-access.com/
2. Internet account : M3-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings and MMS configuration is completed
Activation Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Select `M3-MMS`
1. Service center address : http://mmsc.m3-access.com/
2. Internet account : M3-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings
• MMS activation completed

Setting WAP / CSD / GPRS / MMS - Sony Ericsson M600i : Indosat - Matrix

Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : Matrix-GPRS
2. Address : satelindogprs.com
3. Username : (blank)
4. Password : (blank)
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings, return back to the main menu, select `Multimedia` -> `Web`
• Select `More` -> `Open web page`, enter the URL : http://wap.matrix-centro.com/
• GPRS configuration settings completed
Activation Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and go to `Groups` folder -> `Edit`
• Select `Matrix-GPRS`
• Save the settings and GPRS activation is completed
Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : Matrix-MMS
2. Address : mms.satelindogprs.com
3. Username : satmms
4. Password : satmms
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings and return back to the main menu to select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Enter the details as follow :
1. Service center address : http://mmsc.satelindogprs.com/
2. Internet account : Matrix-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings and MMS configuration is completed
Activation Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Select `Matrix-MMS`
1. Service center address : http://mmsc.satelindogprs.com/
2. Internet account : Matrix-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings
• MMS activation completed

Setting WAP / CSD / GPRS / MMS - Sony Ericsson M600i : Indosat - Mentari

Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : Mentari-GPRS
2. Address : indosatgprs
3. Username : indosat
4. Password : indosat
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings, return back to the main menu, select `Multimedia` -> `Web`
• Select `More` -> `Open web page`, enter the URL : http://wap.klub-mentari.com/
• GPRS configuration settings completed
Activation Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and go to `Groups` folder -> `Edit`
• Select `Mentari-GPRS`
• Save the settings and GPRS activation is completed
Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : Mentari-MMS
2. Address : indosatmms
3. Username : indosat
4. Password : indosat
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings and return back to the main menu to select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Enter the details as follow :
1. Service center address : http://mmsc.indosat.com/
2. Internet account : Mentari-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings and MMS configuration is completed
Activation Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Select `Mentari-MMS`
1. Service center address : http://mmsc.indosat.com/
2. Internet account : Mentari-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings
• MMS activation completed

Setting WAP / CSD / GPRS / MMS - Sony Ericsson M600i : XL - Xplor, bebas

Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : XL-GPRS
2. Address : www.xlgprs.net
3. Username : xlgprs
4. Password : proxl
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings, return back to the main menu, select `Multimedia` -> `Web`
• Select `More` -> `Open web page`, enter the URL : http://wap.lifeinhand.com/
• GPRS configuration settings completed
Activation Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and go to `Groups` folder -> `Edit`
• Select `XL-GPRS`
• Save the settings and GPRS activation is completed
Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : XL-MMS
2. Address : www.xlmms.net
3. Username : xlgprs
4. Password : proxl
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings and return back to the main menu to select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Enter the details as follow :
1. Service center address : http://mmc.xl.net.id/servlets/mms/
2. Internet account : XL-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings and MMS configuration is completed
Activation Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Select `XL-MMS`
1. Service center address : http://mmc.xl.net.id/servlets/mms/
2. Internet account : XL-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings
• MMS activation completed

Setting WAP / CSD / GPRS / MMS - Sony Ericsson M600i : Telkomsel - kartuHALO, simPATI, kartuAs

Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : APN-GPRS
2. Address : telkomsel
3. Username : wap
4. Password : wap123
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings, return back to the main menu, select `Multimedia` -> `Web`
• Select `More` -> `Open web page`, enter the URL : http://wap.telkomsel.com/
• GPRS configuration settings completed
Activation Manual Configuration of GPRS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and go to `Groups` folder -> `Edit`
• Select `APN-GPRS`
• Save the settings and GPRS activation is completed
Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and go to `Tools`
• Under `Control Panel` and select `Connections`
• Select `Internet accounts` and choose `More` -> `New account`
• Select `Data` and enter the details as follow :
1. Account name : APN-MMS
2. Address : mms
3. Username : wap
4. Password : wap123
• Select `More` and go to `Proxy`
• Select `Use` proxy server and enter the details as follow :
1. Proxy server address :
2. Proxy server port : 80
3. Proxy exceptions : (blank)
• Select `Save` to save the settings and return back to the main menu to select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Enter the details as follow :
1. Service center address : http://mms.telkomsel.com/
2. Internet account : APN-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings and MMS configuration is completed
Activation Manual Configuration of MMS
• Starts these instructions from the idle screen display of the handset
• From the `Main Menu` and select `Messaging`
• Select `More` -> `Settings`, choose `MMS account`
• Select `APN-MMS`
1. Service center address : http://mms.telkomsel.com/
2. Internet account : APN-MMS
3. Auto download : On
4. Download size : No restrictions
• Save the settings
• MMS activation completed